A Selfplaying Piano Initiates Natural Light
Inverted Light Simulation in a Gallery Space
A Virtual Reality Voyage through the Sky
Series of Scanning Electron Microskope (SEM) Images of Various Algae
Monument for a Contemporary Dinosaur (Ross 308)
Architecture Model Based on the Black Square
Free All Berlin Fly-Maggots
Transfering a Hydrological Cycle into the White Cube
Jolanta's Tale
Performance in an abandoned amusement park
Visualizing the Invisible
Implanting Life in the Lichthaus
Can humans reach non-humans through music?
Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning Reexamine Landscape Painting
Planting trees as breathing sculptures and enabling biodiverse projects
A Situation in the Shipping Space of a Truck
One Hour of Light
3D Print of an Endless Column that Melts Away at the Same Time
Series Of Scanning Electron Microscope Images of Tumor and Synthetic Cells, 3D Print of JCVI-syn3.0 Cell, Edit Yourself CRISPR KIT
Creating a Symbiosis with Florian Christopher Seedorf
Seismic Activity on Windows
A Gyroscope initiates Natural Light
Series of Single Portraits of Mass Produced Chicken
palm tree in dialogue with a drone
Bacterial Map of Germany and Switzerland
Moving Notes
An Organic Computer Mouse with Fungus
Hatching in Tokyo
World Wide Wind Data Translated into Sound
Water Floating in Space
Liquid Metal in Room Temperature
Two Airguns Create a Sculpture by Shooting at Each Other
Tree planting project - Various types of trees and seeds planted by children, youths and citizens
A Light Installation in a Pitch-Black Space
Probability Calculations of a Meteorite Impact
Exploring the relationship between humans, nature and technology
An Engine Producing Ephemeral Light
Free Living Sculpture
The Rhythm of Breath and the Sound of an Alien Skin
Explosions Set in Different Places
Water in Balance between Liquid and Gaseous State
16sqm Seabed Transferred into an Abandoned House
Flying Sculpture Living and Moving Freely within the Exhibition Room
Introduction into Elementary Mechanics
Explosions by Chance
A Water Purification Process
Subjective Situation
Reversion of Mondrians Approach: From Nature to Abstraction
A Sculpture is Melting Away in a Gallery Space
A Machine to Discharge Flies
Oak branch collected to create both paper and frame for a picture of its own tree
engaging into an metabolic cycle of architecture, human and algae
Albert is a sailor. A man in a woman's body.
A Piano Piece Initiates Natural Light
Hovering Over A Field of Artificially Made Bacteria
Audio-visual Installation with Bioluminescent Algae
Modelled Figure